So I was thinking about how a lot of pagans seem to think that all the myths are allegories and that literalism only occurs in Abrahamic religions. Now I could spend hours going through different texts to prove this but every pagan worth his salt knows it's apparent there.
So instead I asked contemporary polytheists of an unbroken line to comment, I asked both a Shinto man and a Hindu man. Shinto has a lot of similar philosophy to paganism while Hinduism shares a majority of the same origins as most pagan traditions.
They both came to the same conclusion about mythic literalism, they both believed that a large amount of the texts and 'myths' are indeed to be taken literally. The next section, which they didn't individually pick which myths of course, were myths as allegories, A MINORITY of it
On the final two is where they divide, The Shinto man states that certain myths were beyond human comprehension and therefore inaccurately written while the Hindu man states that certain myths have been made up completely.
This is just a small tweet to show Polytheistic conclusions on literalism. I suggest to pagans that they reflect on why only they seem to believe that all their myths are allegories.
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