So great to see folks looking at making changes in the new year and getting #sober. Does my heart good. A couple of thoughts for those just starting out. (1/9)
1) It can feel overwhelming. Don’t freak out - people want to help. Listen, ask questions, and figure out what works for you - despite what some say, there is no “one and only way” to get and stay sober. Try things, but give them a fair shot to see what works for you. (2/9)
2) Some of us can just stop drinking and life gets better - but for the vast majority of sober people I know, it goes much deeper and some real fundamental changes are necessary. Don’t let it freak you out and be open to the experiences is those who’ve made the journey. (3/9)
3) Beware of “yets.“ Lots of us though we were OK because we hadn’t (yet) lost a job, or a relationship, or been to jail from drinking. Addiction is progressive & gets worse with time - guess what happened when we kept going? If you can spare yourself this hell, do it. (4/9)
4) Don’t worry about forever. That whole one day at a time ( #ODAAT) thing? Sounds cliche but it’s true - you can’t stay sober next Tuesday today, and thinking about forever feels overwhelming - stay in today and it’s much easier. (5/9)
5) Try to connect with others - having that human connection - that many of us lost in addiction - is one of the joys of recovery and it’s incredibly helpful during times when it’s hard - having people who’ve been there and care about you is crucial. (6/9)
6) Most alcoholics/addicts come to recovery with tons of shame, guilt, and negative self-talk. It’s natural, but it’s poison. Tell others how you feel and know in your heart that you are loved, you have worth, and you can get over drinking/using and live a better life. (7/9)
7) Last and most important - BE HONEST. With yourself and with others in recovery. You can’t conquer a problem you don’t acknowledge, and people can’t help you if you’re not straight with them. You’re only as sick as your secrets, so try not to have them. (8/9)
This is a hard journey, but it’s a rewarding one, and if you’re like me it’s a damn sight better than burning your life to the ground which is what I was doing. So be honest, be open, love yourself, and know that YOU CAN DO THIS and it’s worth it! Love you all. (9/9)
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