If I had a ballot, this would be my ballot. The thread below will explain my vote, others may view it differently than me and that's perfectly ok. But it's important to be transparent and tho I will most likely never have a vote but still it's what I'd want so I will do it.
Starting with the guys I voted for.
Rolen is the easiest box to fill out. He's a slam dunk HOFer and I look forward to seeing him get in soon.
Next easiest candidate to vote for was Bobby Abreu, an OBP machine and frankly one of the better players of his generation. Easy yes.
The group or Pettitte, Buehrle, Hudson, are all very similar I think they're all deserving. Pettitte probably the most deserving of the three. They were all good pitcher who pitched to contact who were sort of the last work deep into games for a lot of innings in all season guys.
Wagner is the best reliever of all time not named Mariano Rivera in my mind. He's dominant in every aspect of being a closer. How we view relievers in the hall is up to interpretation and I don't think there's a wrong answer here but I treat them separately from starters.
Lastly is Helton, who I have wrestled with the 3 DUIs against his record and though nobody was hurt, someone could have been and that weighs on me a lot. Think it's not as bad as the other people I'll talk about and his play is more than deserving. I debate it a lot but he's in.
First glance it can look like I'm anti-PED but I'm not. I don't care if you took steroids, even if you were suspended for it. If you got put on the ballot, then I must consider your case and ultimately if they didn't want me to vote for them because of PEDs they wouldn't be there
It just so happens that some of the big name PED users also happen to be pretty horrendous people. Bonds, Jones, Ramirez, Sheffield, and Sosa have all been accused of domestic abuse or battery. Omar Vizquel has recently been accused too. Does that automatically disqualify them?
I don't know. I go back and forth on this a lot. I don't know what the right answer is and I'm not saying you should agree with me but as I've stated before, whatever it is we've got now, just isn't working. People cite the character clause for steroids but not domestic violence?
Roger Clemens was accused of being a pedophile and the victim killed herself from the trauma. But that's not talked about nationally? Should that disqualify him? I don't know, but it weighs on me a lot. If I had an actual vote then it would even harder. I don't envy these people
I remember what @_beewilly said on @RmntcBaseball about the HOF being like a church and would you want these people to represent that church. I think that's a good way of thinking about it. Should others think like that? I don't know. It's not clear but I agree with his thinking.
The biggest difference between them and Schilling is that Schilling advocates for the terrible things he does or believes in. They don't. Giving him a vote means when he steps on that stage and makes a speech and included those things, you have given him permission to do that.
I don't think I could do that. Allow him to spread his hatred out like that. Some people just want consistency in these but not everyone views all these issues the same. Some things matter to more people than others. It's not easy and I don't judge how they view it. Their choice.
To me, you're a HOFer if you represented the best of baseball on and off the field. I go back and forth on this a lot but those are the guys I felt that did the best at both. I don't have a vote so it doesn't matter. But if I did this explanation would be important.
This reasoning is what I want from every voter so I might as well hold myself to the same standard. That's my ballot, that's my reasoning, we don't have to agree. Hope you enjoy the thread.
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