it’s misogynistic to criticize Janet Yellen for receiving millions from the same banks she literally gave TRILLIONS of dollars to during her tenure at the Federal Reserve & helped engineer one of the largest wealth transfers in history, she deserves compensation for her skills 💅
What quantitative easing truly is shatters every myth about survival of the fittest economics, that there’s something inherently more effective and better about certain companies & financial systems but it’s all a lie- they’re often zombie firms floated on trillions of printed $$
This is what has created outrageous wealth gaps and sent us on a spiral into neo-feudalism, this is how it’s possible for people in high paying professional jobs to seemingly work just a few actual hours on the computer each day, for debt bundlers, for forever DOW rise & profit
It’s all a dream and it will shatter one day and dollar will be dead in the water .
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