can they make shows for adults so those adults aren’t playing teenage roles? a lot of them aren’t passing it’s just weird. plus I think they’d enjoy content meant for them, not doing all these graphic and sexual things while playing a minor.
if anything they should be playing 25 year olds, around there, and having shows for them. it’s literally only teens, and then older adults right now on tv. 15-19 then jumps to 30+ .... like?
idk what these adult dramas would be about but i’m pretty sure they’d watch and there are a lot of talented writers to make it entertaining as well. so they need to start on that bec it’s just getting weird :(
i know these 30+ year olds tired of going to auditions to play a 16 year old. it’s just sad and very degrading. also teenagers should be played by teenagers, the actors are there. more age appropriate ranges please !
also, a lot of these teen dramas don’t need these extremely sexual and graphic scenes going on they need to let that go. hollywood is obsessed with high school and will let any and everything happen there it’s so weird to me. that’s why so many shows unrealistic lol. move it out
yes i know the few who say “my school was like this” ... okay that’s still uncommon and they’re focusing and exaggerating those parts FOR A REASON. weirddddd 👎🏾
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