He began by laying off 20,000+ education workers.

That was one of his first actions: ensuring that an additional 20,000+ Albertans had to worry about paying rent, putting food on the table, buying clothes for their kids, etc. Cruel. #ableg 2/13 https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/braid-ucp-forces-as-many-as-20000-layoffs-in-canadas-biggest-pink-slip-binge
He stepped in to kill a plan to house homeless people in hotels during the first wave. This was a chance for vulnerable people to be safe, have a hot shower, isolate with dignity, but @jkenney wouldn't have that. More cruelty. #ableg 4/13 https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/province-scraps-calgarys-plan-to-house-homeless-in-hotels-nenshi-says
He introduced a support benefit that excluded as many people as possible. He even admitted that "was not set up to cope with the demands it faced". Why not? Isn't it your job to support Albertans, Premier? #ableg 7/13 https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/aish-recipients-lose-out-on-covid-19-money
Now he is showing no leadership even as his Ministers, MLAs and staff undermine their own public health guidelines. @jkenney: an utter failure of a Premier. #ableg 13/13 END
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