
To start off 2021 in healing and positive energy, here is an olive branch to those who question the practice of rituals and engaging with tarot, etc., and who are genuinely curious about it in the context of TST modern satanism, non-theism & non-superstitious practice.*
*I do not speak for TST but I can point to where you can find the info you seek - in content made by the very people who have laid the foundations of TST.

The information is already available, all you have to do is be willing to look genuinely & you will find the answers.
Here are 7 tools with links to help guide your way:

I. Listen to ‘Satanic Rituals with Shiva Honey: Podcast 7’ by TST cofounder Lucien Greaves about satanic rituals in the context of a non-theistic & non-superstitious religion.
I. (continued)

You can also find TST cofounder Lucien Greaves’ stance on tarot in written form in the podcast's comments section.
III. Read about Shiva Honey’s The Devil’s Deck on Serpentinae’s website.

TST cofounder Lucien Greaves also made illustrations for this deck of cards.
VI. Watch TSTTV’s ‘Ongoing and Necessary Pursuit’ S02 E05 where Jack Matirko and Shiva Honey discuss the purpose of rituals and tarot in the context of modern satanism, non-theism and TST.
VII. Watch TSTTV’s The Devils’ Dispatch S01 E07 where Jack Matirko, Stu de Haan and Shiva Honey discuss the book ‘The Devil’s Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic Ritual’.

Speaking on behalf of myself only, here are a few thoughts:

-Educate yourself before asking questions.

-Don’t expect others to educate you; take responsibility for your own learning.

-Keep in mind others may react if you question and/or judge their practice.

-No one owes you a discussion, especially if they didn’t ask for your opinion.

-No one owes you a justification for their practice.

-No one owes you kindness or emotional labour, especially when you question their place in TST.

-Don’t use the tenets to gatekeep; don’t self-appoint yourself as arbiter in the name of TST.

-Don’t use the tenets to justify questioning others’ place in TST.

-Keep in mind that if you use the tenets to judge, harm or exclude people, you might be called out on it.

-Don't use ‘baby-satanists’, newcomers & outsiders as an excuse for questioning others’ practices & place in TST. It is a bs excuse & a covert way to marginalize & harm.

People have agency - they will figure out what TST is about & if it works for them or not.

-Keep in mind that when you suggest with no evidence that there are people in TST who believe in ‘real magic’ & superstition, that you may come off like 'satanic panic' people who are trying to fear-monger and exclude others within TST.

Don't propagate false assumptions.
You can follow @Saint_Licorice.
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