Thank you for coming out to our lovely red carpet awards gala for #CanadianChudOfTheYear2020, where we will be doing whatever the opposite of celebrating is.

Regrettably there is a lot of material and we have little energy. Feel free to argue your case below each category!
Low-Level Goon Award. This is for your street-level chuds generally dressed like bikers.
Rising Star: this is for people who really tried to shine this year by jumping on whatever bandwagon presented itself.
Worst Cody: this is for the worst Cody.
Best Exposé About an Albertan Hate Group: which exposé/attempted exposé did you enjoy most?
Biggest Albertan Drop Off: Who disappeared and tried to be relevant again?
Literally a Nazi: who was this year's worst literal nazi?
Worst Pivot: which trend represented the worst pivot?
Worst Low-Level Celebrity: sometimes celebrities are chuds, but who did it best? (By which I mean worst.)
What Even: Sometimes you just find yourself asking what a person is even talking about!
Worst Group: Plenty of groups emerged this year, but which was the worst?
Club Jumper Award: some people are all "brotherhood, love, respect" until 10-minutes later when they're not.
Politicians and Political Hopefuls: politicians and those who want to be politicians can also be chuds.
Chud All-Star: Some people have too much time and money, allowing them to rise to the top of the heap!
Grift to Look Out For: what nonsense will rise to the top this coming year?
Ok, that's it! Vote away, you have 24 hours!
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