THREAD: a summary of the "catacombs" under usc, the third eye man, and more since y'all asked

(pc: reddit user u/ahhhh_wire)
1/?: we should preface this by saying we don't recommend you attempt to visit the places listed in this thread since you can get in serious trouble with the law or something but it IS a free country. your own risk girlies
2/?: the "catacombs" aren't exactly the catacombs you'd find in like paris or a european city - they refer to underground tunnels throughout cola. they are underneath our campus, under the statehouse, etc. how they are connected is largely unknown
3/?: there are multiple known entrances to these tunnels - we previously mentioned capstone (although someone on reddit said it has since been sealed) but more exist along waterfront park, the bridge near gervais, and even colonial life
4/?: the tunnels also vary in use. currently, the tunnels under campus are used for literally just maintenance piping; however, back in the 1960s, some areas of the underground served as a place for nightlife. it has since been abandoned

(pc: aminoapps horror website)
5/?: the purpose of these tunnels is unknown, but most likely for transportation purposes without being in the public eye. the ones underneath the statehouse do not connect with the usc ones as far as we know
6/?: the third eye man was first spotted on campus in 1949 at the intersection of sumter and greene which is right by longstreet theatre and the j school today. he is a disfigured man who lives in the tunnels and enters/exits via manhole cover
7/?: he was spotted again in 1950, where he allegedly murdered two (2) chickens and stood over their bodies as campus police watched. he was seen again a decade later when some SNu pledges saw him while completing a pledge task. a pledge was knocked unconscious by the man
8/?: this incident led to the sealing most of the tunnels entrances; the third eye man was seen into the 80s and 90s, but has not been seen much since
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