What if we all collectively worked together, as members of orgs or individuals whatever, to directly organize against each of our sitting reps? Remember the Bern app how you could set up canvassing in our areas? What if we could do that for issues LIKE Medicare for all?
im an idiot who lives in corn fields and have gotten a whole bunch of voters here in my district to agree that without M4A support, they wont vote for our rep in 2022. Sending those numbers to him scared him enough to reach out AND support the stimulus as a republican.
you can either get your org to join in or hell, just as a person! I feel like this would make sense. We could meet others who are supporters in our area. talk with actual voters to chip away at our reps base directly. like this makes sense right?
not only that, but this would literally make it so much easier for a rep to run who supports issues LIKE medicare for all. We dont have to wait for people to lead us somewhere or do something, WE as a collective could just lead ourselves!
this could help each district work within their time, needs and beliefs. instead of it rest on a few to organize like this could really help ANYONE get some work done who dont know where to start.
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