Some info from my VIC testing experience yesterday. MSAC is one of the smaller testing sites. Typically at a multi level carpark testing site, you give your info on the way in. They put a plastic baggie on your windshield to indicate that you've done so
#CovidVic #covid19vic 1/
You then proceed to drive to the top level of the carpark before snaking back down. You'll recieve your test on the way out. All in all a good system. The more levels in the CP, the more cars can be let in. MSAC is only 2.5 levels. #CovidVic #covid19vic 2/
The main challenge with the drive in testing sites, is traffic management. Most sites are on or very near major arterials, meaning that if they let queues build on the roads then it can have knock on effects for MANY kilometres. #CovidVic #covid19vic 3/
To avoid this, testing sites are being told to move traffic on. Basically it's dumb luck if you arrive when they are able to bring in some more cars. About 10 at a time. So instead of just blaming DHHS, perhaps some inter-department planning is needed. #CovidVic #covid19vic 4/
Increased staffing is a great start, but so is increased traffic planning. For example, perhaps the MSAC queue could snake through the park. One lane on roads to other sites be relegated to covid traffic and signs put up in local areas to avoid those roads. #CovidVic 5/
But the most important thing remains. Everyone working at sites is there to help. They're risking their own health to do so. Our city was not designed for a global pandemic, so be patient. And polite. My test took just under 5h yesterday. And I'm grateful #CovidVic #covid19vic 6/
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