Another unique Dixie tornado setup I've recently come across was the May 1, 1953 Tornado Outbreak in Alabama. An unusually thick, Plains-type CAPE profile favored very efficient updrafts, along with sufficient wind shear for a very significant tornado threat.
The violent tornado webpage depicted CAPE levels well over 2000 in Alabama, suggesting that the atmosphere destabilized further. Two EF4 tornadoes touched down on this day. One obliterated 2 homes near Yantley, killing 2. The other EF4 killed 7 near Anniston.
April 28, 2014 and April 27, 2011 are the only other days I've seen with similar profiles in Dixie Alley. I'd have expected cyclic and intense supercell thunderstorms, with tops over 50,000 feet and unusually vertical updrafts for Dixie Alley, dropping large hail and heavy winds
The Violent Tornado Webpage displayed a lack of a cap at 00 UTC, unlike the one seen in this sounding at 2100 UTC. This also means that supercell initiation would've been fast, like an Oklahoma type initiation. Storms would have been merging with eachother constantly
Any supercell that would be able to get out by itself, and root itself into the environment would have been able to produce a tornado, before either cycling, merging, or getting choked off.
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