So, @PatRehnUCP, you know who had a busy Oct-Dec?

Frontline healthcare workers as they dealt with rapidly rising COVID case #s & begged your gov’t to take action on it.

They didn’t get to take a Xmas vacation to Mexico. They buckled down to work through the holidays. #ableg
All of those doctors, nurses, HCAs & others had to cancel a lot of previous plans to deal w/ the results of your Leader & gov't's refusal to act sooner to bring #s under control.

And they kept working while watching your gov't fumble w/ vaccinations they desperately need. #ableg
That you'd even hint that you deserved a vacation simply because you showed up to do your damn job & lived with the inconvenience of a few night sittings while they & others made real sacrifices. risking their own lives & health & not seeing family is a slap in their face. #ableg
Frankly, I think you owe an apology for this apology.

If you truly want to "work together to get past this pandemic," you & all of your colleagues need to get back to AB & start putting pressure on your gov't to get vaccines rolling out to your constituents in need. #ableg
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