I'm already incredibly bored by Bridgerton and I'm not at the end of the first episode yet
The first appearance of the poor. Their only interest is a big puddle apparently
Everyone a sex educator now.
Oh FFS. No!
He pulled out as if he was leaping from a moving car. Why do piv at all if you really can't 'sire' an heir?
If only there were a medium that were really good at showing how the pull out method is achieved in practice.
Okay so she made him jizz inside her when he didn't want to. Pretty non consensual.
Right, of course they thought that one act of intercourse with internal jizz would start a pregnancy. Also that's a cream upholstered chair...
The likelihood is actually 3.1% (on average based on range of 0 and 9%)
That's right, because nothing is more romantic than being coerced into jizzing inside your wife. Though of course [Simon grunting] could also mean orgasm rather than ejaculation. They aren't the same thing.
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