AMERICANS: These Senators are trying to overturn the election by challenging the Electoral College votes which have been certified by the states. Do not forget this is Domestic Terrorism, treason and sedition. They have helped kill 349,000+ Americans by supporting an incompetent
2) President, who failed to put medical processes in place so that Americans can be treated. All Americans should have standing in a Court of Law, because this is a national pandemic, people are dying by the thousands, they are starving, living in poverty or completely homeless
3) and this is being perpetuated by Trump, these Republican Senators and at least 140 Republican Congress-people want Trump in office. It is time to for the people to end this. Below are steps we should all do immediately. No one is above the law.
4) A. File a reckless endangerment complaint with the FBI on line here. Contact Us — FBI ( ). Request the FBI investigate these Senators for reckless endangerment, sedition and treason.
Senator Ted Cruz @tedcruz @sentedcruz (TX)
5) Senator Josh Hawley @hawleyMO (MO)
Senator Ron Johnson @RonJohnsonWI (WI)
Senator James Lankford @SenatorLankford (OK)
Senator John Kennedy @whereiskennedy (LA)
Senator Steve Daines @SteveDaines @DainesforMT (MT)
Senator Marsha Blackburn @marshablackburn (TN)
6) Senator Bill Hagerty @BillHagertyTN (TN)
Senator Cynthia Lummis @cynthialummis (WY)
Senator Roger Marshall @RogerMarshallMD (KS)
Senator Tommy Tuberville @TTuberville (AL)

Please remember these Senators are all very wealthy, they will all receive (if they haven’t already)
7) the vaccine; none of them will go hungry, live in poverty, or experience any of the hazards many Americans experience. Also, this is deliberate Domestic Terrorism and many of these Senators have direct relations with Russia. In addition to harming the people because of the
8) pandemic, these Senators & Congress people are deliberately trying to harm our Democracy. Why? Who is paying them?

B. Call their offices, local and Washington, DC, and file a complaint. Here’s a website with contact information (phone numbers). U.S. Senate: Senators of the
9) 116th Congress (

C. Additionally, we need to remove the Federal Budget from Congress. We can have the Federal Reserve System develop and manage the budget. The FED is responsible for monetary policy and employment. Congress (most recently the GOP)
10.) has routinely used deficit spending to give tax breaks to the corporations and wealthy elite who support them. Then they use the debt (they created) to keep American citizens from updating infrastructure, providing education, social services, health care, etc.
11.) If we remove the budget from Congress, then there would be independent oversight. This will take time and it will be complex. There is one thing I can guarantee, if we take the money away from Congress there will be fewer, if any, criminal politicians.
You can follow @Lee8772.
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