My daughters’s 10th bday is next week. Huge request: anyone have a friend/colleague that is a NASA engineer that might be willing to Zoom with her for 15 minutes. My daughter’s hero is Katherine Johnson, and she hopes to work at NASA someday. Thanks 🙏
Thank you ALL so MUCH! She is going to have the best 10th 🎂! I cannot express how much we appreciate all of the generous offers. I am still replying to requests....and my daughter is preparing herself for a great set of Zooms. Maybe her shared name with Verne will be her story!
I do not even know how to respond any more. This is simply an amazing process to watch, as noted by so many. The generosity and attention for one little girl's plan for the future illustrates the power of science, community, and support for education. ☮️💕🚀👩‍🚀
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