The vast majority of new retail is not buying #BTC as a trading instrument, more as a hedging instrument against the infinite BRRRRR machine of t he governments. Meaning, they wont actively trade it. The few who do buy it to trade, will:
1) Cry that BTC spot trading is garbage (esp if it doesn't make big moves)
2) Take that BTC and lever it up 20x/50x/100x
3) Promtly lose it all.

Or alternatively, they will buy calls/puts. Retail absolutely loves options trading as risk is limited & you either win bigly or not
and you can check that with the number of options being sold/traded in 2020 for #BTC .

I do believe that active traders will search for another coin that will mirror #BTC , and the best that comes to mind is eth-erium. So expect the vast vast amount of dumb money to flow into ETH
if #BTC ever reaches 100k or whatever, there will absolutely almost 0 players in it. Most of it will be institutional traders trading against eachother.
If you thought that "whales gonna steal your money" game is fun, wait till you see 2-3 trading desks pitted against eachother.
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