Scotland, you are under attack. From #misinformation and rewriting of History - and not just on the school curriculum.

This is an important thread, because it's one example but it's the tip of the #propaganda iceberg.

Please share to show this.
Fact- the 2007 SNP minority government relied on a supply and confidence coalition with the @ScotTories to pass their budgets.

Go and look at the news.
It happened.
They've both taken criticism for it.
It was covered in several places.
The thing is;'s been deleted from the Wikipedia page on the first Salmond administration.

All mention of the Scottish Conservatives has been expunged and only the (separate, non budget) green agreement on appointments is mentioned.
Deleted by someone who has attempted to remain anonymous, except we can trace their IP address...
So who has been rewriting history in online sources, deleting things that are inconvenient to the SNP government and nationalist narrative?

Well; it appears it's come from the Scottish Parliament network.

I wonder if it's a SPAD, civil servant or MSP 🤔
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