I know the concept is a little trite and overdone, but I'd like to suggest some possible simple fantasy baseball New Year's resolutions, a list from which we all could probably pick and choose a couple. Let's all improve our game and our community! 🥳⚾️🥳⚾️
1. Start preparing now!
Gone are the days of waiting until football is over before prepping for your drafts. You should have started already if you want to be successful. Never has there been more content this early in the preseason: pods, articles, tweets... get on it!
2. Stop worrying about rankings.
It really doesn't matter if you rank Kyle Hendricks ahead or behind Ian Anderson; what's important is that you understand they are very different pitchers and each fit certain team builds. If you're drafting off rankings, you've already lost.
3. Try a new platform or format.
Many fantasy players are slaves to routine and reticent to change, but fun new formats are emerging. Bestball is the January rage, @TheNFBC is reviving the Diamond Challenge. Expand your portfolio a bit and you never know what you'll enjoy.
4. Challenge yourself!
Don't just be content in your home or public free leagues...take yourself to the next level! You'll never be the best you can be until you test your mettle against good competition. Iron sharpens iron, and you'll learn and grow from any outcome.
5. Decide what stats you care about most.
There is so much info out there now, and new stats and metrics are created every week. You can't possibly use it all, and a lot of it isn't even very actionable. Do your research, and narrow down the list of items you put stock in.
6. Make a custom @fangraphs dash.
Some still don't know that you can create a go-to home for important info by creating a fangraphs account and customizing the first table appearing on every player page. You simply cannot keep scrolling all the time. https://fangraphs.com/profile.aspx 
7. A little humility goes a long way.
It doesn't matter how long you've been playing or what you've won; there is more to learn and others can teach you. People who were once regarded as the best in fantasy have faded, mainly because they couldn't adjust or keep advancing.
8. Use ADP as a tool, not a determinant of value.
ADP is a composite of what others have done prior, but you are not "others." Don't take a guy you're not targeting just because he goes at a certain point and don't be afraid to take someone early if he won't come back to you
9. Be your own mind and player.
Consume as much info as you want; in fact, go ahead and put more stock in the advice of analysts you trust. But in the end, make sure to draw your own conclusions. You're an analyst, too, and if you don't respect your own opinion, why play?
10. Support others' great work.
This community is wonderful, and there is so much great content, free or paid. Retweet, rate, review anything of value to you; content creators need your support. And if it fits your budget, buy a draft guide, sub, or merch from some of them!
You can follow @TheDustmite.
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