I love how people accept that fact that Demonds walk the earth but refuse to accept that the most important Bloodlines of the World walk too..

I Showed everyone who is who. I Share with ALL OF YOU the reasons WHY this entire world has done all they/[THEY] have for A Complete
nobody,NOTHING. An absolute #ZERO ..

Not throwing my brother under the Bus for ones who do nothing but hate on him.
Again, All anyone does is hate on this person too.

This world is filled with nothing but judgmental hate and ones who refuse to comprehend any of it.
Everyone wants it spoon fed. Once I spoon Feed (There is no Spoon) so many would just not accept any of it. WHY do you think
there are so many "SECRET societies "? Because there are ones within this world that know the hidden truths of the light? Truths the world would never believe until the time was right?
I GIVE everything without putting myself above anyone. "No One Is Above another".
So now what? because I am sharing this, you all are going to demand when is who and if I don't give the answers (Which I already have) I am A "Click Bait Account"?
It's really true, how nothing will ever be good enough. This is why WE just want to save all of you and be on
our way living our lives out with one another. Seeing that all of you to do the same FREE and NOT slaves to all the evil that has plagued everyone for WAY TO LONG. Even with the ones you all look up to for answers pointing where to look, So many still refuse to see/accept.
If my Biblical Family is Hated on and made out to be nothing, than so am I ..
All I want is my Family close to me and protect all the ones who are protecting all of you. Once this is all over and everything is restored-WE will be on our way. WE will always be around.
WE Will always be leading each and every one of you down the right path. The path where God Given FREE WILL will never ever be taken from any of you ever again.


Everyone matters. Everyone has A Specific role to play in this reality to ensure Humanity's Survival. BE THE CHANGE with allowing anything or anyone to bring you down. MANY will #RISE From the "Dead" once all the corrupt Politicians in positions of
power are arrested. Think of how many Private Military/Mercenaries that there are that would be looking for the ones who are going to be coming back to life. These people obviously have incriminating information on so many of [THEM]. So coming back to life to soon
all for 'The Peoples' Amusement only does more harm then good. Not many can understand this. Many are already among everyone hidden in plain sight. Most likely under different name and always wearing some kinda disguise.I Know many of you have already seen many of them at rallies
It's no Secret anymore who is who. Everyone has been playing "Wheres Waldo". I get it, it gets upsetting after Awhile. I get it everyone wants this B/S to just be over. It's already over and God Has Already Won back this world for all of you. Galactic Peace treaties have
already been signed that makes this world no longer A Slave planet. Everything you all have been witnessing has been scripted to awaken the masses as safely as possible by "White Hats" .
MSM is the enemy of the people spreading propaganda & Lies causing the masses to spin out
of control hurting one another.

When I was A Child My Grandmother took me to A Garage (Door)sale(Open),I found 2 OLD SCHOOL (MOVIE)Banana Skateboard, One #YELLOW, One #RED. My second Skateboard was A Green #NASH (BIG #Diesel #YELLOW, One #RED. My second Skateboard was A #Green
#NASH Skateboard (BIG Diesel) #GASGASGAS ( . @WWE REMEMBER?)
I show All of you. It's just not good enough because it's not the answers any of you want to hear or see ..

WE go through the Never. EVERYTHING is being made RIGHT for #KING & Country/World.
[THEY]/Evil are pissed I/WE exist & [THEY] don't have the tech https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1343768594652540935?s=20
to see the future any more. [THEY] needed technology to do what WE do NATURALLY within. [THEY] Were playing God for so long and getting away with it. Opening all those Evil portals and using it all against humanity. I Understand all of this because I am all of it. I Am
Connected with all of the Light & the bridge for all of the dark to make the right decisions to be of light once again.

Comprehend it all or don't, your opinions & Judgements mean absolutely NOTHING. The only thing that matters is The Kids and Freeing all of you from the chain
that bind your minds from seeing the BIGGER PICTURE Crystal Clearly..

The choice is yours and yours alone to KNOW/Understand the BIGGER PICTURE ..

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