After 9 years of on-again-off-again twitter (mainly for political twitter, more-so early on)... and how shall I say this as it’s rather indelicate and may across as snide... I don’t really trust right-side political twitter’s instincts on... anything. #sorry #nooffense
The people here who fancy themselves armchair commentariats on politics are usually wrong, myself included. So this isn’t finger-pointing as much as it’s noticing that even when continually proven wrong, ppl seem to speak like they have it all figured out. This... this baffles me
There seems to be a lot of dogmatic, strident proclamations without evidence the predictions will (1) come true and (2) more evidence is to the contrary the bold assertions are probably incorrect.
Again, there no way to make statements like this without sounding like a bitch and I’m not trying to — I just think there should be less proclamation-making and a little more humility and listening.
I say all this as someone who was too punky in an earlier life and really thought I had it all figured out. What an absolute dope I was. I still basically have the same beliefs but I am pretty much resigned to know that I am in the very slim minority, what I think should happen..
... pretty much will not. So I’ve had to eat *a lot* of humble pie for assuming what I thought should happen, should happen. And that’s a good thing. I feel like it keeps you less of an asshole.

Unless this whole rant was the ramblings of a crazy asshole idk who knows lol 🤪🤷🏼‍♀️
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