Thread (1):


Post that message -- or one of your own -- in your window across DC on January 6th.

Why? Bc Trump *did* lose, but is now waging an unprecedented campaign to overturn the election and this MUST BE REPUDIATED.
2) Jan 6th should be an uneventful day when Congress officially certifies what is already known: TRUMP LOST by a huge margin & BIDEN will be the next president.

But instead, Jan 6 some 140+ Republican Congresspeople & maybe a dozen Senators will try to overturn the election!
3) Josh Hawley, leading the fascist charge in the Senate, doesn't even claim election fraud. He asserts that Trump voters feel "disenfranchised" bc Biden won.

Disenfranchisement is when you are DEPRIVED of the vote, not when your vote is counted but the other guy got MORE VOTES.
4) Hawley, like so many MAGA fascists, emphasizes that more people voted for Trump than any sitting president in history, implying that he couldn't have lost.

But Trump didn't run against past presidents' election totals. He ran against Biden and Biden got more votes. Period.
5) These maneuvers will force open debate in Congress & Senate, giving credence to fascist lies, conspiracy theories & further "legitimizing" in the eyes of TENS OF MILLIONS of fascists the idea that Trump really is being cheated.

None of this has any basis in reality.
6) Meanwhile, in the streets on Jan 6th, Trump has called his FASCIST MAGA MOBS back to DC for a "wild" protest.

At the last #overturn MAGA rally, his mobs assaulted bystanders and Black churches. These were rampaging mobs and they are getting worse.
7) Also meanwhile, Trump has repeatedly inquired about invoking the Insurrection Act and declaring martial law.

And, he is escalating the threat of military aggression against Iran.

All an extremely volatile and dangerous fascist mix.
8) What are all the decent people doing? The ones who correctly voted in overwhelming numbers to defeat Trump in the election?

For the most part, they are staying unconscionably silent. They are ceding the public square and public discourse to fascists.

9) Whether or not Trump succeeds in overturning the election, he and the fascist movement he heads IS succeeding in doing lasting damage to the rule of law, the norms of bourgeois democracy, and the hardening and unleashing of a battle-texted FASCIST SOCIAL BASE of many millions.
10) OUR SIDE must step onto the stage of history. We must break down the silence & fear, to show our opposition in collective and visible ways that build strength and momentum for the fight ahead.

An impt way is to POST A SIGN IN YOUR WINDOW:

11) All over DC these signs should go up. If you know someone in DC, call them and urge them to post one.

In DC? Post one in your window. Ask your neighbors & friends to do the same.


Here are materials:
12) And write to me, or to @RefuseFascism, with your ideas for spreading this opposition and getting organized for the ongoing resistance that is urgently needed.
You can follow @SunsaraTaylor.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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