🦠URGENT: official 7 day rate for #Liverpool to 28th Dec is 241/100,000. Provisional rate to 31st is 378/100,000! Rate is now escalating quickly and catching up to other areas! Positivity rate also increasing, approx 10%. Urgent action required! #HandsFaceSpace #Covid19 @PHE_uk
🦠Some actions clearly sit with national govt here. But we can ALL do more, avoid ALL contact with people outside your household or social bubble, make sure others do the same, stick to the rules, keep your distance, cover your face, wash your hands! #HandsFaceSpace #Covid19
🦠currently the majority of cases are in 20-29 and 30-39 age groups, but just like last time, spread will now happen across all age groups, and then both hospital admissions and deaths will sadly increase #covid19
🦠essential that we all learn the lessons of 2020, be brave, be bold, act fast, protect lives, protect front line services, protect the vulnerable, protect the economy #covid19
🦠The third wave is on its way to #Liverpool. We were late to the first wave, early to the second wave, and we are late to the third wave, following increases in London/SE, but this time the pace of change is incredibly fast! #Covid19
🦠This looks like it is being driven by the new variant, B.1.1.7, est. 70% more infectious so spreads more easily. Christmas and relaxation of rules won’t have helped, nor will behaviour, with people mixing more, and others travelling from higher tier areas into lower tier areas
🦠As a result, January and February will be very challenging for everyone. We need to protect front line services so people can get the care and support they need and deserve, both #Covid19 related and otherwise
🦠Longer term the answer will be the effective, rapid, locally led roll out of the vaccine, to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, with essential focus on the most vulnerable and most at risk members of our society #Covid19, #LetsGetVaccinated
🦠But in the meantime, it is essential we all stick to the rules, keep our distance, get tested regularly, and act on the results appropriately. Help and support is available https://liverpool.gov.uk/communities-and-safety/emergency-planning/coronavirus/help-for-people-and-communities/
You can follow @DPH_MAshton.
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