All I’ve been thinking about as Se*n Fe*cht parades himself around hosting mass worship gatherings during a global pandemic is how in Acts 16 it says that the Holy Spirit kept Paul from spreading the gospel in certain parts of Asia...
Paul was traveling the world spreading the good news but there were certain times and places that Holy Spirit said “no”.

Odds are we’ll never know precisely why this was the case. But I trust that Holy Spirit had a good reason.
All of this goes to show that no matter how good our intentions of spreading the BEST news known to man, without the guidance of Holy Spirit we could be causing more harm than good...
...we could be doing something with good intentions that is in fact opposing the very will of God... and that... should scare all of us.
Anyway I believe in corporate worship and its importance to the body of Christ. I also believe that God doesn’t need a crowd to work wonders. In fact, Jesus very often fled the crowds.
I just think maybe we should think more highly of our Creator’s ability to use us without the grandeur of a stage and spotlight?
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