Anti-Capitalist people cannot wrap their brains around the fact that ANY economic system is shaped by the EXISTING Culture, habits, and beliefs of the citizens of a country. That’s why I hate reading their little bullshit screeds.
Eliminating capitalism (I.e transitioning to another economic structure) doesn’t not eliminate a dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest worldview.
Everything these scoundrels want for people can 100% be achieved in a capitalist economy. We know this for a fact. And, we also know that socialism and other structures are ripe for corruption and vulnerable to cultural norms. Perhaps more so due to zero corporate benevolence.
If you are not having conversations about how to change CULTURE, legislation, and create a vision for how to structure lives around something besides work (esp given automation), you are not helping. You’re just having a self-indulgent reductionist circle jerk. Also, you boring!
You can follow @fancytomboy.
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