I would like to take a minute to address the events on twitter, January 1, 2021.

I wrote a tweet parodying @LLinWood's hyper insane tweets and then I had an idea...What if I wrote a War of the Words type thread based on the crazy theories running around about the election. 1/?
So the thread began. I intentionally wrote a ridiculous scenario that would be extremely easy to fact check. Then I played with people by tweeting Q-style terms and claiming that the MSM was in on the action and was blacking out all news. 2/?
A lot of people got the joke and many even submitted ideas to add into the thread or tweeted their own "reports".

But a lot of people became angry and an astonishing number of folks believed the thread, word for word. 3/?
My favorite parts were the people who picked apart little bits of the story as evidence that it wasn't real. So the army locking down DC was believable or California basically seceding, but there's no way all military leaves were canceled. Nope, that's just too much! 4/?
To those of you that believed the thread I just have to ask, do you really think that if the VP was arrested, then involved in a running gun battle in DC as the army occupied the capitol & all air travel was grounded, do you think only a donkey in CA would know about it? 5/?
I'm sorry that some of you were honestly scared but I'm more sorry that so many of you are so gullible.

I know that in the modern world it can be hard to separate fact from fiction but that doesn't mean you need to believe everything you hear.

Not everything is real. 6/FIN
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