#CalisGrandTour @ElizGriff2016 Waiting for Cali wiv de stretch limo in VIP parking. Let us noes wen you are comin froo an we will scoop yoo up..... #teambengal
#CalisGrandTour #teambengal @ElizGriff2016 We haz arrived at Hever. It woz home to Anne Boleyn, who was King Henry VIII’s second wife. We iz heading strate furr de maze......bring yor towels...
#CalisGrandTour #teambengal @ElizGriff2016 Back into de limo. We ar off to de Ashdown Forest. It’s just next to Hever. It’s where A A Milne lived an wrote Winnie de Pooh books. @stripeyspotty @SuzPilks @ValinVigo @PiandNeko1
Here we are! We are heading furr de famus bridge in de forest....
#CalisGrandTour Cali 👀 , here are sum sticks furr yoo. #teambengal here ar sum furr yoo too. Dis is de eggsact bridge forum de books.
Cali, you hav to frow yor sticks in at de sayme tyme and den see which wun emerges under de bridge furst. Dat iz de winner.....
Wash orf de mudde. Cali iz fankfully not muddee... #CalisGrandTour We iz orf to Canterbury Cathedral now..... @ElizGriff2016 @SuzPilks @stripeyspotty @LeoTheBengal @PiandNeko1 @Percy_BengalCat @ValinVigo
Canterbury Cathedral is famus becos King Henry II’s loyal knights overheard him in a temper sayin he wanted rid of Thomas Becket, his archbishop (an ex-frend). Dey murdered him in de cathedral an den everyfurr fort he was woz a saynt......
@ElizGriff2016 Cali, come wiv me an I’ll show yoo de bootiful windows....
Wun last bit ov culture.....Becket’s shrine......orf to ar balloons now. Dey ar reddy...... #CalisGrandTour
#CalisGrandTour #teambengal @ElizGriff2016 Okay everyfurr...time to get into the balloons furr the tour ov the south coast...little hampers ov food in each basket but we are picking up fish and chips in Brighton.....
Woo! This is funne....
Just passing over sum oast houses where dey dry hops furr de beer. An dat iz Bodiam Castle in Robertsbridge. It woz built in case de French invaded by sailing inland up de River Rother. #CalisGrandTour
#CalisGrandTour Just passing over where the Battle of Hastings took place........1066 was wen we had 3 kings in wun year.....
#CalisGrandTour @ElizGriff2016 @PiandNeko1 From the ground can you see Eastbourne and then coming up is Brighton. We are picking up fish and chips der.......then on to Marwell..... @stripeyspotty @ValinVigo @LeoTheBengal #teambengal
Brighton...fish and chips to collect here........
Nearing Marwell zoo now. Froo de binoculars I can see plumingoes. @ValinVigo doo yoo hav de contraption yoo brort? #CalisGrandTour
#CalisGrandTour Final legge now. New Forest here we come....plumgoes an all......
Quick refreshing drink at a New Forest pub ....change into warm gear and waterproofs, grab your binoculars as we are going pony and deer spotting...... #CalisGrandTour @ElizGriff2016 @ValinVigo @stripeyspotty @LeoTheBengal @Percy_BengalCat @PiandNeko1 @SuzPilks
Anyone spotted deer or ponies yet?
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