I have been amazed at how many people don't know what's coming on January 6th. Trump is promoting violent protests in DC. It's not just the Proud Boys either. Other hate groups are planning to join them. Violent protests are being planned in other cities.
Is it just obvious to me and others like me who report on the activities of hate groups? Does America not see Trump helping to escalate and promote violence on the day Congress is set to confirm Joe Biden as president-elect?
My latest piece (see the end of the thread) that focused on this has been blowing up. And yet people keep asking me about what is supposed to happen on the 6th.
I know most of America shrugs off domestic (white) terrorism, but chatter online has been at all-time highs. Even major media outlets have touched on it (not enough in my opinion) in a very general sense.
The FBI has issued several warnings in the last two months despite telling people there are no imminent threats after Nashville. We all know about rising hate group violence and domestic terrorism. We've been watching it unfold.
I can't help but think about how shocked Americans are when something pops off. Are people really this out of touch?

No, they aren't.
Americans in general tend to ignore the warnings in hopes that nothing will occur. Then they react asking how this could possibly happen in the U.S. despite people like me explaining precisely how and why it does.

It's frustrating, to say the least.
I hope nothing crazy happens. I hope I'm wrong. But the reality is, I'm not going to be. I'm watching them as are dozens of others (if not more). On January 6th, things will get violent according to what we're seeing on message boards & what we're hearing from reliable sources.
Just how bad will it be? We can't be exactly sure but it looks like it'll be pretty damned bad. Proud Boys, Antomwaffen, League of the South, the Klan, and the Boogaloo Boys are just some of the groups that have discussed violence on the 6th.
And they plan to continue with violent acts until the 20th (inauguration day) and beyond. This is scary shit.

Say vigilant. Stay alert. Stay strong.
“We will be incognito and we will spread across downtown DC in smaller teams. And who knows….we might dress in all BLACK for the occasion.” - Enrique Tarrio, Proud Boys Chairman

“Guess what, motherfuckers, we’re gonna look just like you.” - Proud Boys Leader Joe Biggs
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