I’m on a thread getting brigaded by Black Hammer now and it’s so sad because these people just don’t understand how cultlike their mentality is. Like they keep saying Gazi Kodzo is unanimously supported. He’s unanimously supported because anyone who disagrees gets kicked out! https://twitter.com/revoltiononward/status/1345424273586987008
The “unanimous support” is not a good thing. It’s a massive red flag. So is this commune they’re trying to start up in Florida.
But so many of the people that they’ve recruited are young and don’t have a lot of political experience and just take this cultlike shit for granted because they get pushed a totalizing “either you’re with us or against us” line.
I would also suggest they read this essay and see if any of it applies to their experience inside Black Hammer. https://www.issendai.com/psychology/sick-systems.html
And if you experienced an overwhelming positive feeling upon joining and being included in the group because people are constantly pumping you up but there's a nagging sense that some of it is artificial and by the numbers? https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Love_bombing
They're trying to turn this into me crying victim but I actually look at it as a good opportunity to expose these BHO recruits to anti-cult resources. I really don't care if I get 30 copypasta replies of "WHy dO yOU HATE cOLOnIzED pEOpLE And wAnt Us tO dIE? BUy OUr mErch!"
Here's another kind of dense but important perspective on why BHO tries to create attention-grabbing stunts where all their members have to publicly toe the party line. It creates a "compaction cycle" that unifies the group against an outside force: http://prestersperspective.blogspot.com/p/narrativist-framework-compaction-cycle.html
"ANTIFA (all caps!) is trying to destroy us because one antifascist group in Colorado tweeted a screenshot of our Pizzagate-supporting Youtube video" is flimsy to any outsider, but anything can be the excuse to start a compaction cycle. In fact, the more ridiculous the better.
Because it will encourage members on the fence to stifle their mental internal dissent and echo the group line, further reinforcing divisions and an us vs. them mentality: Everyone is against us. We are the only way. Trust in us, trust in our leader.
They’re finally starting to lose steam now after about 500 🤖tweets of “Do you hate colonized people or do you hate colonized people?” and “our glorious Commander in Chief is democratically eternally unanimously elected and if you don’t believe us you hate colonized people”.
But if this means one or two kids actually read the stuff I posted and GTFO it’s very worth it.
I'm gonna tack this to the thread. I'm only halfway through the account, but it's very interesting. The political cult in question is similar to Black Hammer except composed of older people so not very up on utilizing social media stunt campaigns. https://twitter.com/Gracie_Raw/status/1345484899801821186?s=20
The cult ex-member account I linked above is actually about the African People's Socialist Party headed by Omali Yeshitela (who's been the leader for 50 years) where Gazi Kodzo got his start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_People%27s_Socialist_Party
Sound familiar???
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