Why I adore Seonho: (a thread)

He taught me things without him even knowing.

His story from his humble beginnings to his success always makes me cry because I can relate to him in some ways.

Not to be cheesy but he's indeed an inspiration for me.
I read from an interview that his debut started in 2009. He was 24. Most of us feel like we're being late or delayed in our 20s but look at him, at 24 he was just starting to walk on his path. He was just starting to work on his dream.
The reality in his journey.

We often saw those toxic positivity where "millionaire at 18 yada yada wyd in ur lyf?" made us feel pressured or small not considering we have different grits, privileges and opportunities.
While Seonho, on one hand, showed us the reality by telling us his story. He showed us the little bits of his vulnerabilities & worries while working on his dream. He gave us solid facts about how things may not work out the way we want but it's still okay. It's gonna be okay...
When he was just starting, he told us that he's no exception from disappointments and trials. He too, started as a beginner. He was told by one of his seniors he's never gonna make it but he just walked it out to relieve his stress and improve himself.
The effort and passion he put into developing his talent.

We already know good things take time. However, sometimes we tend to fall apart and decided to give up on our dreams thinking it's not worth it anymore... and that's okay because it's natural to feel tired-
-but the moment we stand again and decided to give it another try, is the time we'll gain another victory for trying and for having a little step forward to our dream. Serendipity doesn't come from within our walls.
His timeline that made me realize I'm just on time.

We all know he became successful in theater in his late 20s/early 30s. I know at some point in his life he felt pressured that maybe he was being left behind or late compared to others-
-but he did not give up. He worked hard. He dismissed all those negative sh*ts and still worked on his self. He shared the first time he rode an airplaine was when he was 32. There are times when I question and doubt myself because I -
- feel pressured when I see others traveling while I'm here still trying to work on something. I'm neglecting the fact that I'm working on something to be able to travel someday. I'm working really hard to be able to have a decent life -
- and I think that's enough for now. Seonho made me realize that working hard on ourselves and delaying some things we want to do will immensely pay off. That no matter what age nor timeline we are right now-
-we are not being left behind. We are not being delayed. We are just on time and we should continue doing our best and brush our doubts off our shoulders.
His well deserved success.

We all know that most of his haters attack Seonho for his age or having late debut in small screen (ik peak pettiness), but he didn't care, because he focused on giving life to his craft which paid off eventually (hi hjp, labyu).
While a lot of them bickering about his age, Seonho's gaining a lot. And to be fair, the reason why he's "late" in small screen was because he's making his name in theater, in which he successfully did it since a lot of his coworkers and seniors applaud his talent,-
-the even recommended him to a lot of theater plays and dramas. He's respected and being look upon. Also, I find it really cute when one of the reasons he debut in small screen was to not make his Mom worry about him-
-not making enough (tho he's making $$ in theater haha). He auditioned so that his parents will not worry about him. And now, look at him, he's all booked and sought-after in show business industry. Projects there and there. Pls, sprout have some rest.
His manners and courtesy.

He never, ever, forgets to thank his coworkers' efforts. He never fails to recognize and appreciate the people around him. He's making sure that he's making them feel appreciated and are doing good in their work. I stan the right man 🥺
He greets everyone including the staff, he gives them food, he tries to memorize their names, he thanks his fans, he thanks the people who takes care of his appearance to look good on stage and he never fail to thank his parents — a giver and a lovable sprout.
Ily, Kim Seonho. You're my biggest uwu. You are my favorite "thing" in life that I got right. 🌱💚
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