Amazingly, we found 61 taxa in flower (including a few that were new to me) on a three-hour explore of Mevagissey and surrounds. Will upload some highlights later.

The first plant we found in flower today was the tiny stalwart of stone walls, ivy-leaved toadflax. We saw it regularly on the hunt, clinging on in places where other plants just don’t dare.

Another regular find was hedge woundwort (Stachys sylvatica). I thought that would be the sole representative of the Stachys genus until we found field woundwort (Stachys arvensis) in an arable margin. Both very lovely things.

After weeks of heavy rain - and even heavier frost - many flowers were super tatty. Like this scentless mayweed (Tripleurospermum inodorum) clinging to the harbour wall.

My absolute favourite find was a goodly patch of field pansy (Viola arvensis) in a Portmellon field. Surely one of the loveliest flowers of arable places. Double dare you to look at one and not smile!

Perhaps the most inconspicuous flowers were the tiny lilac blooms of field madder (Sherardia arvensis), which we found in a stubble field. So tiny were they I apparently couldn’t focus on them...

The most numerous flower we found was unquestionably red campion. In every hedge, ditch, and verge there’d be some blooming away as if it were a sunny spring day.

I’m fairly sure it could be found flowering on every day of the year in Cornwall.

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