You might see that # of Senators who will be objecting to certifying the fraudulent vote results from 6 states double by Jan. 6.

So far I believe it stands at 12, if you include the Senators-elect like Tuberville.
Trump will not reveal all his forces until the "battle" is really joined on January 6.

Some will emerge over the next 3 days, other will not surface until the 6th.
Also watch the goalposts move.

"No Senators are gonna object."

"Oh OK. Hawley. ONE guy. Big deal."

All right then, 12 Senators. Whoop-de-friggin'-DOO. It still won't matter.

3 days from now, something like:

"OK 48 Senators, I don't care anymore. I've given up."
I told you Trump has been furiously working the room behind the scenes. The slow rollout of support was to lull the Democrats, Big Tech, the corporate Media, and their CCP sponsors into thinking there would be no effective opposition in the final week.

It's been working.
"No no, Trump's just playing golf every other day and suffering from a massive case of denial and self-delusion as he just hopes for the best and prays for a good outcome on January 6. I don't **see** him doing anything."

Well good.

Keep telling yourself that.

He wants you to.
When people figure out which team both McConnell and Pence are batting for, that's when it gets really good.

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