So I thought I’d share something that just happened in my small Texas town.

I was just in line at the pharmacy. In front of line was an elderly black man. Behind him in line was an elderly white woman. The black man was waiting on his prescriptions and this happened.

They brought out his meds and rang them up. It was $21. He said “how much?” They repeated it. He said “ohhh. Ok. I’ll come back later and get them.”

The elderly white lady said “no, wait. I’m paying for his medicine.”

He said “what?”

She said “God blesses us.”

He was about to cry. He was teary eyed and I could tell he wanted to hug her but due to social distancing he just touched her arm and thanked her profusely. She said “no need to thank me. God bless you.”

I’m standing there tears in my eyes smiling under my mask ear to ear.

She saw me watching and smiled back under her mask. Afterwards, I followed her down the aisle and told her how wonderful it was. She said “God has blessed me. I need to return that favor to others.”

As I nodded, I thought, now that’s the right kind of “Karen” (carin’)

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