Today is my 23rd birthday 🎉

Here are 23 things I wish I’d learned earlier in life about finance, life hacks, and living better.

1. You’re not responsible for anyone else.

Not their health, not their happiness, not their peace of mind.

None of it.
2. You’re completely responsible for yourself.

Your health, your happiness, your peace of mind.

All of it.

Nobody else is coming to save you.
3. Sign up for free trials with an empty prepaid Visa card.

This is from @TyTweed and it changed my life.

Never accidentally forget to cancel again
4. The 5 love languages.

Words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service.

Knowing about these transformed my romantic relationships.

Everyone enjoys them all to varying degrees.

Know which ones you and your partner value most.
5. Ideas are free.

I used to be so excited when I got a new idea!

Ideas are fun and glamorous!

But ideas don’t do anything if you don’t.

When I started acting on my ideas, I started having more fun with life.
6. Content creation is a wonderful exercise, even if no one reads it.

I’ve produced dozens of blogs, podcast episodes, a course, and sent hundreds of emails.

People cared about some of it and not others.

I learned from it all.
7. Meditation is no joke

I started meditating a little over a year ago regularly, and it helped me with anxiety, depression, confidence and my sleep

Just sit quietly for 5 minutes. Set a timer.

Tomorrow do 6 minutes.

Repeat until you can do an hour.

Then do what you want
8. Your romantic partner will impact your life more than anything else.

I’m marrying the love of my life this April, and she’s helped me grow and change in amazing ways

I used to date someone who constantly pulled me down and held me back

Don’t settle for the wrong person
9. Only take advice from people whose lives you want to mirror.

Advice comes from a person’s reflections on their own life.

If you don’t want their life, take their advice with a grain of salt.
10. Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from.

Anyone can be a critic. Most people are.

If you wouldn’t value their advice (see above), don’t listen to their criticism.
11. Ask more questions.

All the time.

Of everyone and everything.

Be curious and try to learn about this weird and wonderful world.
12. Read books you want to read

That will help you enjoy the act of reading

And then you can read anything

Those who don’t read aren’t any different from those who can’t.
13. Learn to play a musical instrument

I play guitar, ukulele, bass, and some piano.

Learning a new instrument stretches your brain in new, engaging ways

And it helps you appreciate music more

I wish I’d started earlier
14. Clear is kind, unclear is unkind. - @BreneBrown

Lying and hiding the truth isn’t “nice” it’s destructive and selfish.

Be more honest always.

This alone saved my romantic relationship
15. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

People are careless, thoughtless, and selfish.

Chances are, they aren’t malicious, they just didn’t think about it.
16. Don’t take anything personally. Ever.

I used to be angry all the time. But not anymore.

I don’t take things personally.
17. Keep your identity small.

Don’t become “republican” or “democrat” as your personality. It blinds you to alternatives and stunts your growth.

Be very careful what you let become a part of you.
18. Your life will be hard and have suffering in it.

A big part of life is just figuring out which suffering you want to deal with.

Shoutout @IAmMarkManson for this
19. Block all notifications on your phone besides alarms, calendars, calls, and texts.

Do it for a week and you’ll never look back.
20. Read about things you disagree with.

If you understand the opposing side, you can have more empathy AND you’ll be more equipped to talk about your side.

It’s a win win
21. Travel as much as you can

I spent 3 weeks traveling across Eastern Africa last year and it was life-changing.

The world is a wonderful place, and so is your home.
22. You can learn anything online.

Most of it for free on Twitter or YouTube.

The rest of it on Khan Academy, Gumroad, and Udemy
23. When you hear a story you’ve heard before, pretend you’ve never heard it.

They get to tell it again and you might hear something different in it

You can never cross the same river twice.
I’m proud of how far I’ve come since 1998, but I have a long way to go also.

This is just the start.
You can follow @JoelSigristFF.
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