Before we get too far into 2021, I thought I’d write a thread recapping some of the research that came out of my lab in 2020. Most of this work was led by my talented team of graduate students, Kerrianne Morrison, @kmdebrabander, and @DesiRJones.
A detailed thread about the study and a link to the paper can be found here (feel free to DM me your email address if you’d like a copy of the full paper for this study or any of our studies):
Another paper published early in 2020 (it appeared a few months earlier online) showed that traditional standalone tasks of social cognition are less predictive of functional and social skills among autistic adults than commonly assumed in autism research.
Next, @kmdebrabander led and published an innovative study about how well autistic and non-autistic adults can predict their own cognitive and social cognitive performance.
Meanwhile, @DesiRJones was making huge strides highlighting how the woeful underrepresentation of Black scientists and Black autistic people within autism research affects cultural assumptions and clinical practice.
Desi also hosted this powerful round table about the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx autistic adults.
Our lab then published a paper supporting the “double empathy theory” by @milton_damian showing that traditional measures and notions of social skill, social motivation, and social cognition have almost no relation to the real-world social interaction outcomes of autistic adults.
My lab isn’t an island, though! We continue to pursue collaborations with wonderful colleagues around the country (and now internationally as well! @cjcrompton @SueReviews among others). For instance...
I was thrilled to be part of this incisive and righteous paper led by @KristenBott about avoiding ableist language when taking about and researching autism.
We have several other papers coming out soon, including a really important (IMO) study led by @DesiRJones testing how well an autism acceptance “intervention” for non-autistic adults reduces explicit and implicit biases about autism. Stay tuned!
You can follow @Noahsasson.
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