Reviewing clinical psych, psychiatry, & epidemiology papers on mental health changes during Covid19 pandemic. Has anyone collated a list of papers on this they would be willing to share as a starting point?
Also, I'm rereading Ettman 2020 (JAMA Network Open), and remember some criticisms, but cannot remember particulars. Pointers appreciated! Cheers
Huckins et al (2020). Mental health and behavior of college students during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal smartphone and ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6). 
Understanding America Study 
Jacobson, N., Lekkas, D., Price, G., Veinz, M., Song, M., O’Malley, A., & Barr, P. (2020). Flattening the Mental Health Curve: COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders Result in Alterations in Mental Health Search Behavior in the United States.
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