Thank you for all the DMs and all ur stories of loss. Many are far worse than mine. A few thoughts for perspective....

1. Money is a tool not a god. Build a life with people and experiences that supersede money. Ur life is so much more than what’s in ur bank account.
2.The money you lost is gone. It is not coming back so stop trying to get it back. Accept that you are where u are now and start there.

3. There is no shame in taking an outsized loss. No shame. We are human. It happens often. Fucking up is part of life and this game.
4. So you are not alone. In fact ur in great company. No matter who you are or what u think ur status is or the damage you have done, YOU WILL BE OK. Find neutral, redefine what is truly important, get really small, and without care try again.

5. Love trumps money every time.
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