Thread: have done a trawl of all 14 health board websites to try and find out when over 80s at home will get vaccine. Only 3 - Dumfries & Galloway; Forth Valley; Lanarkshire actually mention this group (but happy to be corrected)
This despite fact over 80s at home should be in first wave along with frontline NHS and care staff as well as residents
Dumfries and Galloway has most detail - over 80s at home phase due to start on 18th January using Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Lothian says their 2nd wave (79 to 69 plus over 60s at high risk) will start shortly so assume over 80s there should hear soon
Lanarkshire say they will have first wave done by end February - which includes over 80s. Ayrshire & Arran, Borders, Orkney and Shetland have little or no information about vaccine that I can see. Rest talk about NHS staff and care homes only.
Conclusion: 💉 this is going to take *far* longer than first suggested. 💉Lothian says it won’t even start 64 - 50 year olds until *spring*
đź’‰Over 80s at home will have to wait a few weeks for Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. đź’‰Pfizer seems to have been kept for NHS staff/care homes
Progress and transparency varies across Scotland - which is why there must be a public national roll out plan against which health boards can be measured, and any problems identified and fixed quickly
@pauline4glasgow has already suggested that the first cohort (50s) and over won’t be done until end June (end of spring is 21st June); based on my trawl, she is absolutely right. This is a national emergency: we need #FACTS
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