Here’a what happened:

45 was informed in late 2019 about COVID.

When it hit us, he lied & called it a hoax

He encouraged folks to take risk& whipped up a “defiance cult” to ensure it would spread far & quickly

He then sabotaged distribution of supplies& refused to enact the
tools we have to increase supply production

As it became clear that the disease was killing seniors at alarming rates, his team asserted that death was a worthy “sacrifice” for the “economy.” Basically turning genocidal callousness into “patriotism.”
He then hawked phony “remedies” & cures, most especially those in which he had a financial interest

He spent months pitting states against each other & favoring governors he liked for assistance, regardless of where the need was

He carefully deployed GOP leaders & influencers
to insist that simple steps like wearing masks to slow the spread were “unAmerican” or “tyranny,” so that stupid selfish people would keep spreading the virus on purpose.

He did NOTHING to help develop a vaccine,but demanded he get credit for it

And when the vaccine showed up,
he made sure distribution would be slow, inefficient & available first to his friends.

I don’t know about you, but to me, this is a body of acts & decisions that amount to intentional genocide because NONE of 45’s choices make ANY sense if he wasn’t TRYING to get people killed
We see what different decisions would have done for us, because few countries are faring as poorly as we are.

Halfway decent leadership would have had this thing under control months ago.

No matter what they say, the GOP wasn’t aiming for “herd immunity.”
That is not a thing when: (a) getting COVID doesn’t actually give you lasting immunity to re-infection, (b) the “herd” is immense and would take decades to “immunize,” and (c) the morbidity rate is astronomical!

The entire “herd immunity” PR shtick was about making it look like
there was a reason for Team Trump not to be doing anything to stop the spreading COVID.

There was a reason, actually, but it wasn’t any kind of sound or moral outcome.

They were culling the herd and still are. And that’s not just morally repugnant. It’s also profoundly illegal
They are engaging in a well orchestrated conspiracy to kill off huge numbers of Americans, and need to be held to account for precisely that.
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