we can see that those in a position to know have been saying this is false

this seems to happen over & over

how many "kid scares" have we had? remember kawasaki?

how many "my hospital is overwhelmed" only to find it below normal and nurses on tik tok? https://twitter.com/CheungRonny/status/1345307828119089152?s=20
and yet the media gleefully seek out these dishonest or poorly calibrated folks having melt downs and spread these lies without checking their facts.

if it's scary, run with it!

this is not reporting. it's ghoulish fear mongering to drive engagement. https://twitter.com/bbc5live/status/1345006866829463552?s=20
"but imperial said...!"

yeah, and they were wrong. again. and facui. and ding. and all the usual suspects.

they badly misused the data on b.1.1.7 https://twitter.com/mugecevik/status/1343926450437705728?s=20
this whole thread is great. you should read it all.

but as many will not, the upshot is that the idea this variant was more infective in kids was just a data artifact. https://twitter.com/mugecevik/status/1345345667200397318?s=20
media and public health officials have become a well oiled war machine to push outlandish fear narratives that lack factual basis and even rudimentary fact checking.

then they wonder why no one trusts them anymore.

AJ has a great piece on that here. https://twitter.com/AJKayWriter/status/1345159222586003458?s=20
these people have lost all credibility and it's time we woke up and smelled what they have been shoveling at us before they bury us in it.

i have never seen such deliberate, concerted, and constant mendacity in my life.

hold them all accountable or this will be the new normal.
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