1)The “I’m angry so I can do and say anything I want” crowd is simply not how I was raised. I absolutely have a sharp tongue that can crush coal into diamond. At the same time I’m able to recognize that I have many tools on my belt, sometimes I use the sledge hammer, other times
2)I recognize that I need to reach for the scalpel, at other times the feather, etc (you get the point). I know this is Twitter and social media at large, people need to think long and hard at there incessant desire to grab the sledgehammer seemingly just to appear outraged and
3)gather retweets and likes...Calling people comrades that are strangers and would potentially bail on you using the same metrics and petulant performative behavior isn’t organizing, it’s called sheep dogging. Dismissing any and all degrees of self awareness and accountability is
4)the opposite of building community and using that community as a basis for coalition building and movement building. A lot of the behavior I’m witnessing mostly by on line anonymous actors is in some ways unhinged and it ignores fact, dismisses thought, intention, and -
5)personal integrity/accountability. If that’s the world you want to create or even allow to be a basis for how you activate then we’re not on the same page. You can absolutely be correct, well intentioned, and destructive and wrong on other metrics...it’s the Godzilla effect....
6)That is what amounts to an intentional march forward attacking all of those who seek to attack you - while your tail careens and swishes seismically behind you destroying the community and all else around whether they stand with you or not.
7)I get it, I’m a tree hugger, afraid to fight, a fan, blah blah blah blah or whatever new flavor of name being thrown around on today’s Twitter outrage news... Funny how you can be all of those things and demand the vote, and take punches from the oppressor on the front lines,
8)Meanwhile today having to shield yourself from punches and being shun by factions of the oppressed simply because we see things differently...I think when these negative behaviors are applied on a personal level and people get honest...they all understand the lack of integrity.
9)Just admit it people, you’re angry and frustrated, and you want to lash out - that’s fine - but creating a culture off of that... is foundationally bankrupt and It needs to stop. Now.
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