My Notre Dame take, for anyone who cares to read: I have been a fan of ND football since the mid 70's, and I graduated from ND in 1990. I have seen a lot of football in that time. I clearly see and appreciate that Brian Kelly has solidified the program and improved the team. 1/
We now win 10 games per season, will make it to the playoff every once in a while, win at home, and win the games we are supposed to. I like that very much. BUT, even during the darkest Faust and Davie days, ND was always a threat to knock off someone big. They respected ND. 2/
The problem was we were inconsistent. We would go 5-6, 7-4, etc. But I clearly remember huge wins against powerhouses like LSU, Michigan, Miami, USC, etc. We could knock off anyone, anytime. But we would also lost 3 games we shouldn't each year. 3/
Again, I appreciate the solid nature of today's program. But I really miss knowing we had a chance in every single game. And that's why I am still unsatisfied with the state of ND football. end/
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