1/6 My 2021 prediction:
Fundamental/Onchain Crypto Analysts will wake up to #Chainlink's unique performance of the past 3-4 years since 2017.
By many popular metrics between #BTC and #Altcoins or common investment strategies, Chainlink was and is still a massive outlier..
3/6 - no other altcoin was able to bring sustainable gains/outperforms Bitcoin over *years* of a bearmarket. No other altcoin that prints a straight line up in terms of marketshare/dominance on a log chart than Chainlink. I have yet to see existing onchain analysts realizing and
4/6 writing about this. I think we will see one big 'aha' phase in 2021 with people starting to understand what margin of a leap Chainlink's tech really means/brought to the blockchain space and what impact this new type of decentralized infrastructure has on crypto as a whole.
5/6 There will be a lot to unfold in the future and a lot of people will say 'you were just lucky'. I'm holding onto my strategy of 'put all in one basket and watch that basket closely'. I've never been a BTC or ETH maxi. I've always played the higher risk , higher rewards card..
6/6 ..and I never rebalanced winners for losers. Chainlink stays my main allocation until atleast this bullmarkets end and I'm confident it keeps being (one of) *the* unicorn(s) of crypto. I would like to see Woo taking a deep dive/writing the next altcoin essay including #LINK
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