On Jan 2, 2011, the world lost a true hero and leader amongst men, Major Dick Winters.
Richard Davis "Dick" Winters was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in Jan, 1918. Winters graduated top of his class from business college in 1941. He enlisted in the Army, Aug 25, 1941
His plan was to fulfill his 1 year service requirement, never intending to stay in the Army, but Pearl Harbour occured & he was accepted to Officer Candidate School. It was there he met Lewis Nixon. The two would serve in the 506th PIR through the war & remain friends for life
Winters graduated OCS on 2 July, 1942 as a 2nd Lt. He volunteered for the paratroopers and was assigned to Company E, 506th PIR, at Camp Toccoa, Georgia, that August.
The rest is history: he became Executive Officer (XO), then Commanding Officer (CO), of the company, leading them through D-Day and Normandy. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions in leading a small force of men on D-Day at Brecourt Manor
Winters parachuted into The Netherlands in Sep '44, and was promoted to XO of 2nd Battalion, fighting in the Battle of the Bulge, and afterwards CO, leading the battalion through Germany and Austria.
Winters was admired & respected by his men, always leading by example, always calm, understanding, & thoughtful. Evidence of the men's belief in him was shown when NCO's staged a mutiny while stationed in England training for Normandy, so as not to lose him from the company
Winters' doctrine was "follow me", he never expected a soldier to do anything he himself would not be prepared to do. His saying of "hang tough and take care of your soldiers" rang true.
Bill Guarnere said of him "When he said 'let's go' he was right in the front. A leader personified. He was a good man, a very good man. I would follow him to hell and back. So would the men of Easy Company"
Winters was portrated excellantly by @lewis_damian in Band of Brothers
Rest easy, Major Winters. The world would be a lucky place to know a man like you again. We salute you, Sir.
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