“Sexual & reproductive health” is a euphemism for abortion and contraception I run into constantly, so too is the topic of vaccines which are now a hot topic, but have you ever heard of contraceptive vaccines whose use for population control is never off the table for globalists?
The Special Programme of Research, Development, and Research Training in Human Reproduction was started by the WHO in 1972 to conduct research basically targetting developing countries. Abortive vaccines were developed as a result of this programme. Interesting, eh?!
Enter the 'Good Club', a group of billionaires who agreed to tackle population growth as a threat to industry, society and the environment. Here's some of their prominent figures: Bill Gates, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Rockefeller, Eli+Edythe Broad, Warren Buffett, & Ted Turner
Billionaire globalists love to tout the 1970's myth of overpopulation, using it as a scare tactic to promote/further their own agendas which, coincidentally, props up $$ makers like abortion, eugenics & sterilization as solutions. Another money guzzler they also fund are vaccines
Talking points elites use to sell the need for their vaccines are starvation levels, coming catastrophes & climate shifts (climate change is most common). Children are painted as pollutants, therefore, people "need" to have smaller families. Humanity is now painted in this light.
The money flowing into universities from foreign countries/elites to propagate such ideas is purposeful and is meant to indoctrinate generations...and it's working. WHY the intense push for women to be in the workplace? It drives down fertility, so too does increased wealth.
Wealth, status, women out of the home, teaching children of their burden on the planet, telling couples to limit how many children to have, filling ad spaces, kids curriculums and Netflix with anti-meat,pro-plant based diet propaganda, normalizing abortion and contraception...
... it's all intentional and very well funded and the subjects I listed are only scratching the surface. At the end of the day, elites have been given a pathway to teach generations their ideals, creating little advocates that represent/defend them that are the opposite...
...of their own families (something that wasn't the norm for generations) thus, weakening families and, profitably for them, their anti-life, anti-God agendas are furthered through the mouths of babes. Thus my concern with the vaccines coming out at present which have much of...
..the same money behind them as did vaccines which sterilized women & girls in India and Africa (conviently, "fact checkers" deem these to never have happened, deny the ties to those who funded the vaccination missions or deem right wing conspiracies)

Nothing is as it appears...
...this is what I've learned while working in government, politics and advocating for the protection of life and the family at the UN. Smokescreens are the norm, agendas are nearly always disguised and when the truth comes out, society has been conditioned to label it conspiracy.
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