#KCMO's houseless community has skyrocketed since this time last year. The City of Kansas City, Missouri has been infiltrating camps and stealing materials meant to keep people warm.

Write to your council members and the mayor today to demand this stops. https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/city-officials/city-council-members
@EricWBunch @Robinson4kc @ellington_b All of you have a responsibility to see to it that people who are forced out of their homes because we still do not have an eviction moratorium are protected from the cities blatant cruelty during the hight of winter.
If you really care, round up your own blankets and get downtown. Spend a week outside in the snow with your constituents.
@EricWBunch follow and talk to https://www.facebook.com/kchomelessunited/ about the ways the city is treating our house less community at this time. Would you want your kids outside during the winter?
@EricWBunch You can also find them @kchomelessunion . For real, if City Hall isn't addressing this within day one of returning to work, I'll see you in your office.
@EricWBunch Which of course is outside of your house. Happy to camp out as well if needed.
You can follow @LaurenSobchak.
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