The pro-life movement is unchanged for decades. Those now re-writing this history of “change” need to be more honest. They were indeed attracted to its racist elements or willfully ignored these elements. It’s wrong to pretend otherwise.
Pretending that the “what is racism?” discussions of the right wing did not infect the thinkings and online activity of many of those now choosing properly would be an injustice to those who stood our ground and denounced these activists of pro-lifers and conservative Catholics.
Many have had studied and careers long destroyed before Trump, many reputations and institutions were destroyed before Obama ended his first term. Many had been shunned from parishes by the Iraq War.
With the gift of being in the Northeast and very local and aware of inner cities, I always had a faith circle that did not get disrupted by the evil of the pro-life movement. Inner city parishes tend not to be the center of conservative Catholic or pro-life activism.
It’s time for folks like Dawn Goldstein and others to make amends to those shunned by their own behavior and platform them also. Boost those the pro-life right wing ground under foot for The Babeez.
It’s time to pray for those so scandalized over a generation who would leave the practice of the faith over the behavior that boosted many Catholic conservative writers to fame and fortune. Dawn Goldstein and others actually stand on their shoulders today.
This must be the way forward.
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