Thread on drug assistance programs for those in need of help. I can personally vouch for GoodRX & NeedyMeds as I have used both to assist people in obtaining needed meds when they could not afford them. Please feel free to add other known resources so we can help those in need.

Find drug assistance programs run by drug companies (warning you will need to install a Chrome extension): 
Help people in need obtain critical medications they normally would have trouble affording: 

Mail order pharmacy for people with little to no health insurance coverage: 
State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) pays Medicare Part D costs for people who get medicines through ADAP. SPAP clients get Part D premiums paid. To find yours search for your state + SPAP. For ex: I would search on “Virginia spap” without quotes.
Other SPAP help for special health needs can be found in this chart:
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