I used to identify as gay, according to elements of my sinful condition & my glad-hearted embrace of those elements. I now identify as Christian, according to my union with the Christ who grieves over my sin & died for it.

There is no sanctified mixture of these two identities.
There are Christians (and I do think many of them are Christians) who attempt to reinvent what it means to be LGBTQ+. They make false distinctions between sinful sexual behavior & a LGBTQ+ identity, claiming there are redeemable elements of the LGBTQ+ identify.

There are not.
The whole LGBTQ+ identity is built on a foundation of sin and infected with darkness. Therefore the whole of it must be put off if we are to walk in the light—effeminacy (for men), prevalent attitudes in gay culture (sassiness, hyper-sarcasm), and so on. It must all be rejected.
Nobody does this perfectly. I don't. But if we don't strive to put on Christ fully and set our face against the whole LGBTQ+ persona (in our own selves), we might suddenly be swallowed up by the death of it all. LOL'ing at Will & Grace today can lead to rejecting Jesus tomorrow.
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