Ok, I've held my powder long enough, I am now going to come out SWANGING. Let me do a thread on what has been irking the hell out of me the last few weeks. Between the GA Senate race and Barack Obama, I've been REALLY ANGRY about how the Black church is being talked about.
Can someone tell me why former President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama keep trying to dunk on Jeremiah Wright in their books? I mean damn, they treat the republicans and Tea Partiers who called them apes better. YES I SAID IT.
It has really really soured me on both of them. The man had a stroke. Yes, he did some things that didn't play well during the campaign but that sermon about God Damn America was taken out of context. And the same thing is happening to Rafael Warnock.
This vilification of Warnock and Wright is about taking the teeth out of the black church's prophetic tradition of speaking truth to racist power in America. Who knew that Loeffler and Obama would be on the same side to quench that message?
Folks, the problem is that politicians love the Black church for Photo ops, quenching unrest, and singing. When the Prophets start speaking about SIN, they get to criticizing scripture and pastor's characters. This is a Republican and Democrat practice.
I have been absolutely disgusted with Obama on this, truly. I mean, he has much kinder words for republicans than Jeremiah Wright, who baptized his kids and helped him in Chicago.
I expect this ish from Kelly Loeffler, who is a Republican millionaire who will do ANYTHING to win. Her faith is in the KKK and capitalism.
So Georgia please, send this woman back to her ugly MCMANSION where she belongs. And as for Obama....
I'm not spending one red cent on any book he writes, volume one or two. Not only did he quench the NBA strike, he had time to kick a man in a wheelchair while kissing the asses of the people who hated his guts. Miss me with that mess. #fin
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